Self-Empowerment in Action, Not Just Word


The age we are now in is about the awakening of the human consciousness. For this, one needs to be reminded of the true nature of the Self -- the Self with a capital “S,” not the small “s.”

This awakening of human consciousness is what brings about the disintegration of the illusion of separateness. The purpose? Restoration of Truth and Light. 

The mass consciousness that allows the current powers that be to have the control over how we live our lives and what we do for our body needs to transform. For this to happen, it must occur on all levels, not just with verbiage. As you awaken, you take your power back. Not the power OVER others but the POWER to BE RESPONSIBLE for all you create. 

One way in which we start this return to personal empowerment is to remember that the Divine created Nature in infinite wisdom. And Nature has EVERYTHING in it to sustain us. To keep us healthy, happy, and prosperous. 

Register for my 10 Tools for Wellness workshop to learn more about how Nature can help you.

The celestial bodies, water, plants, and minerals all have healing qualities. When used properly they are Nature’s tools to bring us back into balance and vibrant health. In ancient times, it was more common to walk out into the forest or meadow and pick a plant to heal an ailment for someone. It was free, potent, and effective when applied properly.

Today, this gift from the Divine that is free to all has been forgotten, disregarded, slandered or even highjacked by the same people who claim to be promoters of holistic wellness.

In the 10 Tools for Wellness workshop, I offer you the power to heal yourself.

I will offer many tools for your toolbox of self-healing, including food, breathwork, acupressure, mindfulness, energy clearing and more.  

But Moxibustion is extra special. 

Moxibustion is a thousand+ year-old technique of using the burning of an herb to rebalance and heal the body. When done properly and safely, it is remarkable as a preventative treatment and also in acute situations. I will teach YOU how to do this simple yet powerful practice for yourself and family, as an at-home tool for wellness.

Join me to take back the power over your own wellness! It is time!

Sarah Wergin