What is More Important Than Peace?


During the period of the greatest trial of my life I prayed for peace.

In other challenging times, I would ask Creator for peace. And then an indescribable feeling would wash over me and calm would come.

But recently, instead of just the calm wash, came an answer as well:

“If you wanted only peace you would not have agreed to incarnate at this time on this planet. You didn’t come for peace. You came for Truth.”

That message drives what I have been initiated to teach. Truth is everything.

This means that Truth is more important than Peace.

Peace is a state you can have in any situation. You cultivate it yourself, from within. But Truth is what needs to be awakened on the planet, so peace can come to others.

Lightworkers, that is why you are here. 

Even though you each have a different soul mission -- a unique blueprint on how you will operate and a special gift to offer -- it all comes back to this:

“The easy way is to stay asleep. Awakening is the hard path. Now go do it.”

Sarah Wergin