Divine Attention


Take a moment to center, close eyes and breathe slowly. I want you to become present with ‘what is’. 

Scan your body and notice where you are ‘holding’. Your  jaw?, shoulders?, stomach tight? Etc.

I want you to start to check in throughout your day and become conscious of what your body is holding through your day. 

Is your stomach tight because you are waiting to breathe until your husband gives you an answer, or your jaw is clenched because you just talked to your boss, or shoulders are slouched forward because you feel self-conscious about your body lately. Whatever it is…

Take a moment and relax in these areas…you are safe, you are accepted completely right now, there is nothing you need to do right now except BE…

Take these moments while breathing and relaxing to notice where your attentions have been lately in the course of your daily life? Thoughts, ideas, duties, responsibilities. 

Now, after you have just objectively turned around and looked where your attentions have been, ask yourself, “How many of these things have to do with the truth of what Divine attention tells me.”

Divine attention tells you, “You are perfect as you are.”, “You are loved unconditionally, so love yourself this way too.”, “Material possessions will never fill your soul with what it REALLY needs.”, “What are the simple truths you know in your life now.”, “You will always be provided for.”, “You are never truly alone, for the I AM is always with you.”, “Nature feeds you, go to it to recharge.”

Now rescan your body and notice any areas that you are still ‘holding’ tightly, allow them to relax now….breathe…

Sarah Wergin